Gamescom 2012: News di Gioco

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view post Posted on 20/8/2012, 20:46

Finito il Gamescom ecco a voi la carrellata di news che aspettavamo tutti, purtroppo non sono confermate, anzi sembra che possano essere totalmente false. Prendete quindi la notizia con le pinze e aspettate conferme ufficiali

1. The accounts will have a system authenticator (digital and possibly physical) similar to WoW - official information will come out next week.

2. In case of account hacking the account may be restored to their prior state before the intrusion.

3. There will be live in-game support (similar to WoW) through tool that we already use to report BUGS, we will be able to contact a GM in real time.

4. The end-game is not 100% completed, there is much work to do, but ANET is not expecting the the end-game to be reachable quickly, they are now focused on the release, if all goes well they will move on to work at 100% in the endgame (DiabloIII nostalgia??).

PS - They are aware of the disaster of Diablo with the end-game and ensured that will not happen to GW2, after the release team will jump all just work in end-game.

5. Are being explored new methods of PvP, GvG is confirmed to return to GW2, but said they could not disclose much more.

6. New merchandise will be launched on 28/08/2012, including Dragon T-Shirts.

Il dubbio sulla veridicità di queste news viene da Colin Johanson (Lead Developtment Team) che sul sito GuildWars2Guru ha risposto alla news in questo modo:

Just want to jump on this before it gets out of hand. Pretty much nothing in this post is factually correct, I'm not sure where this information came from but flat out: it's misinformed at best and a lot of it totally false.

We'll absolutely have a GM team that helps support the game at live, the rest of it is partially incorrect information or just plain wrong. You'll start seeing information about our post-ship plans shortly (as early as today on some press sites) but it'll come from developers specifically.

See you in game on Thursday!

Se sia davvero lui o qualcuno che si è registrato a suo nome non lo so, ma la cosa più strana è questa frase:

See you in game on Thursday!

Come sapete l' headstart cè Sabato 25 e quindi cosa significa questo Giovedì? E se fosse il presunto StressTest di cui si parlava per il 22, che in realtà è programmato per il 23?

Lascio le risposte a voi ;)

0 replies since 20/8/2012, 20:46   20 views